how to play 5 crowns card game

How To Play 5 Crowns Card Game :- Growing up in a family of laid-back board gamers was a blessing, no doubt. My folks, amazing people, provided a nurturing environment for me and my two brothers. Family time was sacred in our household, with regular movie and game nights strengthening our bond. Despite our occasional mischief, my parents’ dedication to spending quality time with us was truly admirable.

On game nights, the lineup was diverse, featuring classics like Scrabble, Dutch Blitz, UNO, and even the infamous UN-Game. Yes, the UN-Game—it’s a story for another day, but let’s just say I’ve made peace with it (thanks to a bit of counseling). However, one game that never quite clicked for me was Five Crowns. Let’s dive into why “Kings Going Wild” didn’t quite win me over.

Objective of Five Crowns:
The objective of Five Crowns is to be the player with the lowest score when the game ends.

Number of Players:
Two to seven players can participate in the game.

The game requires two 58-card decks.

Type of Game:
Five Crowns is a variation of the Rummy card game.

This game is suitable for both kids and adults, providing entertainment and strategic challenges for players of all ages.

How To Play 5 Crowns Card Game Overview Of Gameplay

This captivating card game, akin to Rummy, features a unique twist with a five-suited deck ranging from 3 to King and supplemented with a whopping 8 Jokers.

how to play 5 crowns card game

Embark on an exhilarating journey across 11 rounds where each round concludes when a player successfully lays down all cards from their hand. As the game progresses, the number of cards dealt to each player varies: starting from 3 cards in the 1st round and culminating at 13 cards in the 11th round.

Strategize your moves as you aim to create sets of 3 or more cards sharing the same value or runs of 3 or more cards sharing the same suit, leveraging the flexibility of Jokers wherever beneficial. These sets and runs can be displayed on the table, thereby reducing the points in your hand as the round concludes.

During each turn, players draw one card from either the deck or the discard pile, followed by discarding one card. Notably, the starting hand size for each round also serves as the designated WILD Card for that round, adding an extra layer of unpredictability alongside the Joker. Brace yourself for a plethora of “wild cards” influencing gameplay dynamics.

Ultimately, emerge triumphant by accumulating the fewest points after the culmination of the 11th round, showcasing your strategic prowess and card-playing finesse.

How To Play 5 Crowns Card Game Setup For Five Crowns

Start by thoroughly shuffling the deck, ensuring a random distribution of cards, and then deal three cards to each player, distributing one card at a time. As the game progresses through subsequent rounds, an additional card will be dealt to each player’s hand, following a progressive pattern.

For instance, in the second round, players will receive four cards, in the third round, five cards, and so forth, until the final round where each player will be bestowed with thirteen cards.

how to play 5 crowns card game

Upon completing the deal, gather the remaining cards and stack them face down to form the draw pile. Flip the top card of the draw pile and position it adjacent to the draw pile to inaugurate the discard pile, where players will discard unwanted cards throughout the game. This sets the stage for an exciting and dynamic gameplay experience.


In this exhilarating card game spanning 12 rounds, your hand grows progressively from 3 cards in the first round to a challenging 13 cards by the final round. Each round presents an opportunity to meticulously organize your cards into sets of at least 3, comprising:

  • Runs: Sequences of cards within the same suit arranged in consecutive order (e.g., 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 of hearts).
  • Matches: Collections of cards sharing the same value across multiple suits (e.g., three “9’s” across hearts, clubs, and stars).

Sets can incorporate one or more wild cards, including the designated wild card for the current round and Jokers, which always possess wild abilities. For instance, if you possess 5 cards in the current round, 5’s serve as wild cards.

Five Crowns stands as a beginner-friendly card replacement game, characterized by the rapid cycle of picking up and discarding cards to optimize your hand’s composition. The essence lies in swiftly altering your hand to achieve the desired arrangement. While this game offers a simplified version of card replacement, more advanced iterations involve depleting your entire hand within a single round.

how to play 5 crowns card game

The most challenging hand arises during the “5’s” round, where acquiring 5 items in your set demands strategic finesse, given that sets necessitate a minimum of 3 cards. For example, crafting a set comprising 5 “9’s” with two wild cards presents a formidable task.

Beyond its entertainment value, Five Crowns serves as an excellent tool for introducing children to card counting and fostering observational skills. By encouraging awareness of played cards and emerging patterns, the game instills a habit of noticing details—a skill pivotal for developing attention to detail in various contexts, from interpersonal interactions to analyzing complex situations.

Ultimately, Five Crowns promises “good clean fun” and serves as a delightful pretext to engage in enjoyable gaming sessions while simultaneously nurturing essential cognitive skills in players of all ages.

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